The purpose of this article is to help you learn:

  • What is the "How It Works" section
  • How to enable or disable the "How It Works" section on your booking form


What is the "How It Works" section?

The "How It Works" section is an optional feature of your booking forms. When enabled, customers can click on the "How It Works" link on your booking page to view a video of how to schedule a service with your company or any other information you'd like them to know.

This option can be enabled per form (per industry) so you have the option to upload different videos depending on which form the customer is on.


Edit the "How It Works" Section

This option can be enabled or disabled inside the Website & Theme Builder.  To do so, please go to:

Settings > Design Forms & Website > Website Builder & Themes > Customize Theme 

Once the web builder loads, clock on the top center Page menu and select the "Book Now" page.

Select an industry name and form number (if you have more than one) and then scroll down along the right side of the page until you see the "How It Works" box.  


Disable the How It Works Feature

To disable the "How It Works" feature for a booking form, click on the box to reveal the Hide button.  

Once you click Hide, the box will now read "Hidden Element" and will not appear on the form.


Edit the How It Works Feature

To edit the "How It Works" section, click on the box and then select the Edit button.

Settings pop-up will appear where you can edit the text, video URL, and style of the feature.

  1. Edit the text that is displayed in the "How it works" box.
  2. The Video URL (see below).
  3. Edit the color of the text and the background color of the "How it works" box.


Getting the Video URL

There will be a default BookingKoala video link that can be replaced with your own link.  

To use your own link, you will first need to upload your video to a video-hosting site like Click here to learn how to upload a video to YouTube Studio.  

Once the video has been uploaded to the "Content" section on YouTube, click "View on YouTube".

Next, click the "Share" button and select "Embed from the pop-up.  

Copy just the URL in the embed code.

For example, if your embed code looks like this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You will only copy the part that says:

Paste the link into the box to replace the BookingKoala video, then click the "Save & Publish" button at the top right corner of the page.