Feedback is very important to us here at BookingKoala. We regularly monitor our Feature Request page and use these points when working on new software updates.
If you'd like to share your ideas for new features or improvements to the software, click here. Click the blue "Submit Feedback" button and a pop-up will appear where you can enter in a title and description for your feedback/request.
You can also search the existing feature requests and feedback by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. If you like an idea, click the up arrow icon to upvote it.
You can sort the feature requests by what is trending, what has the most votes, and what is the newest.
We also have a Roadmap feature that shows which requests have been completed, which are in the planning stages, and our top feedback and requests. Click here to view the BookingKoala Roadmap.
In addition to this, we have a Changelog that chronicles all of our software updates, bug fixes, and feature releases. Click here to view the BookingKoala Changelog.