The purpose of this article is to help you learn:

  • What are items
  • How to add a new item
  • How to reorder your items
  • How to edit, duplicate, archive/unarchive and delete items


What are items?

Items, which are used in Forms 2 and 3, represent different categories or entities your customer can select to customize their service. Items are not associated with any price or time information.  These forms will work best if your business offers different rates based on the specific type of object being serviced, or if multiple objects will receive the same service.  

For example, in the pet grooming industry, rates and services vary depending on the type of pet. In Bookingkoala, this business's items would be "Cat", "Small Dog", "Medium Dog", and "Large Dog".  

In Form 2, items are NOT required. This means you can choose to use them in addition to Packages to add another level of specificity to the booking process.   Form 2 settings allow you to decide whether you would like to show items as one entity or multiple.  

To set this up, please go to:

Settings > Industries > [Industry Name] > Settings > Form Settings.  

Click on "Options" then "Edit" next to the row containing Form 2.  Scroll down to the question "Would you want to add an item as a separate entity if the user selects the same item with the same package already in your list?"

  • Select "Yes" to show each item and package as separate entities.  For example, this form uses the option to indicate the packages and add-ons for each item (car).  

  • Select "No" if you want to consolidate all packages into one item if the same item is selected more than once.  For example, this form uses this option to assume there is only one item (car) being serviced with multiple packages or add-ons.  

In form 3, items are required and are an integral part of how the booking form works.  Customers must select an item to view the service Add-Ons.  Items in form 3 automatically list as separate entities and assume each item (pet) is different.  

Using this form as an example, services will be performed for three separate pets: two cats and one small dog. 


Add a New Item


To begin setting up your items, go to:

Settings > Industries > [Industry name] > Form [2 or 3] > Items

Click on the blue "+ Add New" button at the top-right corner of the page. 

You will be redirected to an "Add Item" page.


Details Tab

The first section on the "Add item" page is the Details tab.  This is where you enter the name, description, pricing, and other details related to this item.  



First, add a Name for the item. This will be displayed on both the admin side and the customer side of the software.  

If you would like for a different name to display on the customer's end, check the box next to "Different on customer end" and enter the name in the box below.  If you use this option, the admin will see the top-most name, while the customer will know the name that you put in the "Different on customer end" box.  

For example, an automotive industry business may use car make as their items.  They could enter "VW cars" for their reference, but "Volkswagon, Audi" on the customer's end.



Below, there is a box for entering a Description of the item. This will only be seen by you when viewing this page. This may be helpful, especially if you have multiple items with the same name.  



If you would like to add an explanation to the item that the customer can see, check the box next to where it says "Show explanation icon on form". This will add an icon next to the item's icon. When the customer hovers over the icon with their cursor, the explanation will be displayed.


Enable Pop-Up

If you want to display a pop-up message when the customer selects the item, check the box next to "Enable popup on selection" and type in the message you want to display.

You can also customize when the pop-up will display:



Below the popup section, select where you would like to display this item.  Under "Display", select one of the following options:

  • Customer frontend, backend & admin - The item can be selected by new customers, existing customers, and the admin/staff for booking.
  • Admin only - The item can only be used by admin or staff when making bookings.


Select Layout

Items are represented by icons in the booking form. Select "Select icon" and click the icon image to pick an icon from the system; or, click "Browse" to select a file from your device.

Please note: The image size should not be more than 300x300 pixels or it will be automatically resized to fit those constraints.  The allowed image types are JPEG, JPG, PNG, and GIF.

Once finished, click the blue "Next" button at the bottom of the page.  

Dependencies Tab

The next tab is the dependencies tab.  Dependencies are used to show or hide items based on other factors like location, frequency, etc.   

Enable Dependencies from Form Settings

Dependencies are enabled under the Form Settings section.  Click the link to enable dependencies for your items.

Once you are directed to the Form Settings section, select "Options" then "Edit" to view the form settings for Form 2 or Form 3.  

Scroll down towards the bottom of the page and check off the boxes next to the dependencies you would like to enable. 

  • For example, if you would like to have different items depending on the client's city, you would scroll down to the option "Which option(s) should the item show for?" and check the box next to "Location".  
  • Or, let's say your items, which represent different home sizes, have different service categories with different pricing.  In this case, you would check the box next to "Service Category" to enable dependencies for "Which option(s) should the item show for?"

Click the "Save" button and then you can resume work on your item's dependencies section.


Enable Item Dependencies 

To enable dependencies under the package's Dependencies tab, select "Yes" for the question "

In this example, this item will only be displayed for the cities that have been selected in the dependencies section.

Unique to Form 2, dependencies for Packages are always enabled for items.  This allows you to easily decide which packages are offered when a client clicks on an item.  

Dependencies for custom fields are also always enabled so you can decide which custom fields are shown based on the item selected.  

Once you have finished setting up your dependencies for your items, click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.  


Providers Tab

The final tab in the Package creation process is the Providers tab.  This tab is used to exclude or block providers from servicing this package.  For example, let's say this item is called "Scooter Maintenance" and you know there are a few providers who do not provide this service, you would check the boxes next to their names. 

At the bottom of the page, click the blue "Save" button to save your first item.  

Repeat this step until you have set up all of your items.


Changing the Item Order

Once you have added multiple items, you can update the order in which they are displayed on your booking form. Go to:

Settings > Industries > [Industry Name] > Form [2 or 3] > Items

To change the order, click and hold an item to drag and drop it into a new position in the list.

Once you are satisfied with the order, click the blue "Update Priority" button at the bottom of the page.

A green system notification will appear in the top-right corner of the page, letting you know the priority has been updated successfully. 


How to Modify Items

If you ever want to make further adjustments to your items, you can always go to: 

Settings > Industries > [Industry Name] > Form [2 or 3] > Items


Edit an Item

To edit an item, click on "Options" and select "Edit".

You will be brought to the Edit Item page where you can modify any of the settings you'd like.  Just be sure to click the blue "Save" button to save any changes.  

A green system notification will appear in the top-right corner of the page, letting you know the item has been updated successfully. 


Duplicate an Item

To make a copy of an existing item, click on "Options" and select "Edit". A pop-up window will ask if you are sure you want to duplicate this item. Click "Yes" to proceed.

The phrase "-Copy" will be added to the name of the new item so you can tell it apart from the original. If you change the name, be sure to pick something different from the original name.  

Once you have finished making your adjustments, click the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page.  

A green system notification will appear in the top-right corner of the page, letting you know the item has been duplicated successfully. 


Delete an Item

If you want to permanently delete an item, click on "Options" and select "Delete". A pop-up window will ask if you are sure you want to delete this item. Click "Yes" to proceed.

A green system notification will appear in the top-right corner of the page, letting you know the item has been deleted successfully. 


Archive or Unarchive an Item

If you would prefer to keep an item but not use it for our form right now, you can instead choose to Archive it. Once an item has been archived, neither the customer nor the admin can select it from the booking form.  

To archive an item, click on "Options" and select "Archive". A pop-up window will ask if you are sure you want to archive this item. Click "Yes" to proceed.

The item will now be listed under the "Archived" menu. 

If you would ever like to start using an archived item again, you can easily "unarchive it". Click on the drop-down menu at the top of the page and select "Archived". 

Click on "Options" and select "Unarchive" next to the item you would like to resume.  A pop-up window will ask if you are sure you want to unarchive this item. Click "Yes" to proceed.

The item will be moved back to the "Active" items listing. You will now be able to use the item in your booking form again.