The purpose of this article is to help you learn: 

  • What is Zapier
  • How to set up a Zapier account
  • How to connect your Zapier account to BookingKoala


What is Zapier? 

Zapier is a product that helps automate repetitive tasks between two or more apps. Zapier uses automated workflows to identify when a specific event has occurred and trigger one or more actions. These automated workflows are called "Zaps".  

Zaps are very helpful for tasks you need to do frequently, like sending out reminders to your team to complete a task, or regular transfer of information from one app to another, like updating a spreadsheet or calendar.  

Once you integrate Zapier with your BookingKoala account, the system executes Zaps on specific operations, like add booking, cancellation, reschedule, etc, and performs the action on the connected app.

We have integrated the following triggers with Zapier for BookingKoala:

  1. New Booking
  2. Booking Updated
  3. Booking Cancelled
  4. Booking Completed
  5. Booking Charged
  6. New Customer
  7. Customer Updated
  8. New Quote
  9. New Rating
  10. New Provider
  11. Update Provider
  12. Delete Provider
  13. Provider Payout
  14. Card Hold
  15. Booking Deleted
  16. Booking Charge Declined

For example, you can set up a Zap to add customer details to your Mailchimp account whenever a new booking has been added to the system. Then, when the booking has been charged, another Zap can sync the data to your Quickbooks account.  There are innumerable ways to use Zapier to automate tasks for your business.


How to set up a Zapier account

Before you begin, you will first need to have an account with Zapier. If you do not have one yet, you can sign up for a free account or start a trial to check out premium features.

Go to Zapier's sign-up page and start by clicking a "Sign up with Google/Facebook/Microsoft" button, or entering your name and email and clicking the orange "Sign Up" button.  

Next, create a password for your account and click the "Sign Up" button.

There is an optional setup screen that will appear next.  

You can enter more specific information about your role and business size, and then select which apps you regularly use for personalized suggestions (including BookingKoala). Click the blue "Finish Setup" button to complete the account setup.


You can also skip this step by clicking the grey "Skip" button at the bottom of the screen. You will be brought to the main dashboard.  


Connecting Your Zapier Account

To connect your Zapier account to Bookingkoala, go to:

Settings > General > Apps & Integrations

Scroll down to the Zapier box and click the blue "Click Here" button. 

Next, click on the red "Disabled" button to switch it to "Enabled". You will see a green system notification in the top right corner letting you know that the Zapier app has been enabled successfully. 

Next, click the blue "Generate API Key" button.   This will create a unique key for you to connect your BookingKoala account with Zapier.  

Once the API key has been generated, use the blue Copy button to copy the code, and then click the blue "Click Here" link just below the API key box. This will open a new tab and bring you to the set-up page.  

Click the blue "Connect BookingKoala to 4000+ apps" button at the center of the page.  You will be brought to a Zap creation page. To connect your Zapier account to BookingKoala, you will need to begin setting up a new zap so you can link the accounts.  

First, select a Trigger Event from the drop-down menu.  The options you have are:

  1. New Booking
  2. Booking Updated
  3. Booking Cancelled
  4. Booking Completed
  5. Booking Charged
  6. New Customer
  7. Customer Updated
  8. New Quote
  9. New Rating
  10. New Provider
  11. Update Provider
  12. Delete Provider
  13. Provider Payout
  14. Card Hold
  15. Booking Deleted
  16. Booking Charge Declined

Click the blue "Continue" button after you have selected a trigger.

Then, under "Choose account",  click the blue "Sign in to BookingKoala" button. This will open a pop-up window where you will link your accounts.

  1. Enter the API key you copied from BookingKoala into the first box.
  2. Enter your account's subdomain into the second box.

Click the red "Yes, Continue" button to proceed.  Your BookingKoala account will now be selected in the "Choose Account" section.  

Finally, you will want to test the integration in the Test Trigger section to ensure that everything is connected properly.  Click the blue "test trigger" button and Zapier will pull a recent event of that type to show as an example.

Once the system returns the details, check to make sure it matches the information in your BookingKoala account.  Click the blue "Continue" button to save this trigger.

A green checkmark will be added to the corner of your icon. This shows that BookingKoala has been successfully connected with Zapier.  

At this point, you can continue on to create your first Zap by clicking the blue plus sign icon just below the trigger box.  

For a detailed guide to completing and enabling our first zap, click here


Details Synced to Zapier

The following tables contain each detail that is synced to Zapier. The column on the right shows the detail's name and the column on the left shows an example.


id 1234
first_name John
last_name Doe
company_name Cleaning with Meaning
gender male
primary_phone_number 1234567890
address Chicago Avenue
zipcode/postal code 60601
city Minneapolis
state Minnesota
apt 25A
note This is a test note for the customer.
is_new 0/1
tags [Onetime, Recurring, Important]



id 1001
industry Home Cleaning
form Form 1
location_type Service Area/Merchant Location
location Chicago
zipcode/postal code 60601
service_category Flat Rate Service
is_service_hourly yes/no
service_hourly_value 120
frequency Every 4 weeks
occurrence onetime/recurring
frequency_repeat_slug every_4_weeks
created_on 1619674829
booking_date 2021-04-16
arrival_time 15:00:00
day Friday
tip $10.30
parking $5.00
bonus $7.00
provider_ids [3, 4]
provider_emails [,]
customer_id 544
customer_name John Doe
customer_first_name John
customer_last_name Doe
customer_phone 1234567890
tags [Onetime, Recurring, Important]
address Chicago Avenue
city Minneapolis
address_zipcode/postal code 60601
state Minnesota
apt 25A
key_info at_home/hidden
key_note Please be sure to lock the doors when you leave!
key_with_provider true/false
alert_charge_now true/false
alert_charge_text alert! you are about to charge this booking
alert_reminder_admin true/false
admin_email_reminder_date 2021-04-16
admin_email_reminder_day_before 2
admin_email_reminder_hours_before 4
admin_email_reminder_message Test reminder message
coupon $20.00
gift_card $100.00
referral_discount $50.00
referral_amount $20.00
adjusted_price $150.50
adjusted_time 120
payment_method existing_credit_card
special_notes This is a test special note.
provider_note Please check all stuff correctly after cleaning.
booking_note Take extra care with this booking.
service_total $115.00
expedited_amount $50.00
frequency_discount_amount $10.00
discounted_total $155
booking_tax $12.30
service_fee $10.00
total $177.30
rating 4.5
review You did an awesome job!
review_date 1619674829

"Staff" if booking is added from admin dashboard by staff member

"Admin" if booking is added by admin

"Customer" if booking is added by customer

"Recurring Booking - Automatic booking added by scheduler" if booking is added by system on booking completion in a recurring schedule

extra_tip $0
price_adjustment_note This is a test price adjustment note.
time_adjustment_note This is a test time adjustment note.
note_from_provider This is a test note from provider.
bonus_reason This is a test bonus note.
created_by 10
cancelled_by Admin / Staff / Customer / Booking - Automatic booking cancelled by system
cancellation_comments Test comments for cancellation
status completed / charged / cancelled / declined / unassigned / deleted / upcoming
provider_pay $20
additional_charge $20
booking_iso_date_time 2024-05-27T08:00
card_last4_digits 4242
customer_company_name Test Company
is_first 0 / 1


Canceled Booking

All fields from booking trigger +  
canceled_bookings single/all
cancellation_reason Not at home



id 1234
first_name Lisa
last_name Ball
company_name Cleaning with Meaning
gender female
primary_phone_number 1234567890
address Chicago Avenue
zipcode/postal code 60601
city Minneapolis
state Minnesota
apt 25A
note This is a test note for the provider.
tags [Onetime, Recurring, Important]
speed new
category IC / W2
team_names [Team1, Team2]
provider_type Single / Team
status activated
alt_phone_number 123456789
priority 10


Provider Payout

provider_id 1234
date_sent 2023-03-27
name Lisa Ball
amount $20
payment_dates 2023-03-27 To 2023-03-28
tags [Test, Important]
adjusted_amount $20
adjustment_reason Test adjustment reason
payment_method cash_check
bookings 101, 102
is_adjusted true / false