In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Change the author of a blog post in your BookingKoala blog 


How to Change the Author of a Blog Post

First, open the blog section by going to:

Marketing > Blog

You will be redirected to the general blog posts section.

If you haven't done so yet, add the author to the author's section by clicking "Authors" and then "Add Author".  

Add a name, email address, bio/description, and a profile picture to create the author profile.  You can also check the box next to "Make default" if you'd like this author to be the default author of all new blog posts.  

Once finished, click the blue "Save" button to save the author to the authors' section. 

Next, go to "Blog" and select "Blog Posts".  

Locate the blog post whose author you want to change, and select "Options" then "Edit" to open the blog post.

Once inside the post, look for the "Author" field under where it says "Meta" and select the new author.

Then, click the blue Save button. A green system notification will appear in the top right corner confirming that the blog post has been updated successfully.